During the CTSMA Annual Business Meeting, members have the opportunity to submit changes to the CTSMA bylaws. Please click on the Revised bylaws link to view our latest update. If you have any questions or if you wish to submit a bylaw change prior to the annual business meeting, e-mail Jen Amaral at csmapastpresident@ctsma.org. All changes must be submitted no later than March 1st, of the year preceeding the conference to be considered at the annual business meeting.
Delegates :
1. Rebecca Parry, CMA (AAMA)
2. Tabitha Opie
3. Nina Watson
Alternates :
1. Roxanne Sealing
2. Amanda Mc Donald
64th Annual General Assembly Meeting

Consider volunteering for your society!
President- Rebecca V. Parry, CMA (AAMA)
Vice-President- Tabitha Opie
Secretary- Roxanne Sealing, CMA (AAMA)
Treasurer- Nina Watson, CMA (AAMA)
Board of Directors-
Jen Amaral, CMA (AAMA)
Susan Klos, CMA (AAMA)
Amanda Mc Donald, CMA (AAMA)