CTSMA Spirit of Giving

During the 54th CTSMA Annual State Educational Conference the CTSMA Spirit of Giving held a blood drive for the American Red Cross of Connecticut. 28 pints of blood were collected and over 60 people received the blood that was donated. It's amazing how small acts of kindness can change so many lives. To schedule an appointment to donate blood, click on the American Red Cross logo.
2013 CTSMA Spirit of Giving Charities
2012 CTSMA Spirit of Giving Charities
The 54th CTSMA Annual State Educational Conference Spirit of Giving Charity was the MS Society of CT. During our Dress Down Saturday event and also donations the CTSMA raised over $800. To find out more about the MS Society of CT, please click on the MS logo.
2014 CTSMA Spirit of Giving Charities
New London Chapter held a very successful Holiday Coat Drive to benefit the CT Dept. of Children and Family Services of Norwich. Over 120 coats and 75 sets of hats, gloves, and scarfs were collect and donated to this great organization. Thank you to all that helped and donated to the Coat Drive.

53rd CTSMA Annual State Educational Conference CTSMA Spirit of Giving Dress Down Friday Charity was Moving With Hope. Over $1000 was collected during the conference for this great organization. To find out more about Moving with Hope click on the Moving with Hope logo.
53rd CTSMA Annual State Educational Conference CTSMA Spirit of Giving Dress Down Friday Charity was Malta House. Over $900 was collected during the conference for this great organization. To find out more about Malta House click on the Malta House logo.

In 2014 the CTSMA lost a beloved member, Lucy LaMere. Lucy was a member of the CTSMA for over 20 years. She served on the Executive Board of her local chapter, multiple portions on the CTSMA Executive Board, and also as CTSMA President. In tribute of Lucy LaMere, CMA(AAMA), the CTSMA Spirit of Giving donated $100 to the Norwalk Ambulance Corp in Lucy's name.
In addition, Northwestern Community College started a scholarship fund in Lucy's name. During our 54th CTSMA Annual State Educational Conference the CTSMA Spirit of Giving took up a collection and raised over $300 for the Lucy LaMere Scholarship Fund. The CTSMA Spirit of Giving, in addition, donated $100 to the scholarship fund.